Español I- Lección 7/30

Leccion 7


María, ¿cuántos pesos tienes?
No mucho Juan. 2 pesos
Pero tengo dólares.
Pero cuantos?
No lo sé. 2, 3 ¿Quieres un dólar?
Sí por favor. No, quiero 2.
Aquí tengo 2 dólares.
Maria, how many pesos do you have?
Not much Juan. 2 pesos.
But I have dollars.
But how many?
I don't know. 2, 3 Do you want a dollar?
Yes, please. No, I want 2.
Here, I have 2 dollars.

¿como? or [coe-moe?] = hows that? (really just means "how" but is said in
question form to mean things like "hows that" or "please repeat" type of
Yo = I, me (optional)
y yo = [E-yo] = and I
¿Qué? = [Kay?] = What?
[Kay kee-yedae?] -and- [Kay kee-yed-oosted?] = What do you want?
comer = [coe-mell] = eat
comemos = [coe-may-mose] = we eat from lesson 17
nada = [nah-dah] = nothing (and in sentences describing no possesion)
no tengo nada = I dont have anything.
algo = [ahl-go] = something (kind of like "I'll go" but more of a "ahhh" sound
to start)
vamos = [bah-mos] = lets go/leave, (you and 1 other leaving)(actually "we go")
nos vamos = [no-ss bah-mos] = we are going/leaving (you and others leaving)
from lesson 20. nos is short for nosotros, meaning we/us. see lesson 16.

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