Español I- Lección 9/30

Lección 9

Lesson 9

Buenas tardes, Maria.
Quiero comer algo. ¿Y usted?
No, no quiero comer. Pero quiero beber algo.
¿Una cerveza?
Sí por favor.
¿Cuánto cuesta una cerveza, sabes usted?
Sí, lo sé. Una cerveza cuesta 3 pesos. 2 cervezas cuestan 6 pesos.
6 dólares? Pero no tengo 6 pesos.
¿Cuanto tienes?
5 pesos.
Eso está bien Juan, tengo 1 dólar.
Muy bien, vamos al restaurante.
Good afternoon Maria.
I want to eat something. And you?
No, I don't want to eat. But I want to drink something.
A beer?
Yes, please.
How much does it cost for a beer, do you know?
Yes I know. A beer costs 3 dollars. 2 beers cost 6 dollars.
6 dollars? But I don't have 6 dollars.
How much do you have?
5 dollars.
Thats OK Juan, I have 1 dollar.
Very well, lets go to the restaurant.

Voy = [Boy-uh] = Im going (said fast and the "uh" part is barely heard)
va = [Bah] = you are going, are you going, etc
vayamos = [Bah-mos] = Lets go, we are going, (you and company leaving) from
Lesson 7
van = [bah-n] = they are going (plural leaving, but not you) from lesson 18
[K bah bay-vel oosted?] = What are you going to drink? (note no "ah" for the
word "to" and "you" at the end of the sentence is optional.)
paga = [pah-gah] = you pay
Pago = [pah-go] = I pay
dinero = [De-nedo] = money
sólo = only, alone, solo, etc.. (masc)
sóla = only, alone, solo, etc.. (fem) (from lesson 15, explained in lesson 16)
tiempo = time (used when refering to "not enough time", or "too much time", etc.
But NOT about the actual time of day.)
minuto = [me-new-toe] = minute

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