Español I- Lección 13/30

Leccion 13


Hola Maria. ¿Cómo estás?
Bien, gracias  ¿Y usted?
Bien, bien. Quiero comer. ¿y usted? ¿Puede comer hoy a las 2?
Hoy a las 2 ? No, no puedo.
¿A qué hora puede comer? 
Bueno, a las 3.
A las 3  solo tengo 15 minutos. Pero puedo comer en 15 minutos.
Yo no, si no hay tiempo, no quiero comer.
Bueno. ¿Y mañana? Mañana a las 2:30?
Sí. Mañana. Está bien. Mañana puedo.
Hello Maria. How are you?
Hello Carlos. Im very fine. And you?
Fine, fine. I want to eat. You? Can you eat today at 2 o clock?
Today at 2 o clock? No, I cant.
At what hour do/would you like to eat? 
Well, At 3 o clock, if you can.
Well, at 3 o clock i only have 15 minutes. But I can eat in 15 minutes.
Not me, if I have no time, I cant eat.
Good. And tomorrow? Tomorrow at 2:30?
Yes. Tomorrow. Thats OK. Tomorrow I can.

la & el = it (it is same as THE, you say whatever the subject is. Fem or Masc,
even when ending a sentence)
[boy-uh bay-vel-la] = Im going to drink it. (when holding a glass of "WATER", a
fem word)
cuarto = [quar-toe] = quarter
ahora = [ah-oda] = now
las = them
[pway-day pah-gah-las] = you can pay for them.
cuestan = [ques-tun] = cost plural, as in "they cost")
cuesta = [quay-stah] = cost (singular, as in "it costs") from lesson 8
menos = [may-nose] = minus (nose rhymes with dose = may-no-ss)
pocos = [poe-cuss] - few (plural)
poco = little (singular used in "a little") from lesson 1
come = [coe-me] = you eat

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