Español I- Lección 6/30

Leccion 6

Hola Juan.
Ahh buenas tardes, Maria. ¿Cómo estás?
No muy bien Juan. Por favor. ¿Tienes un peso?
No, yo no tengo 
Pero tienes dólares, ¿no?
Discúlpeme María. No tengo pesos ni dólares.
Usted es norteamericano, ¿no?
Sí, soy norteamericano pero no tengo dólares.
Adiós, Juan.

Hi Juan.
Ahh good afternoon Maria. How are you?
Not very well Juan. Please. Do you have a peso?
No, I don't have. (any)
But you have dollars, no?
Excuse me Maria. I have no pesos and no dollars.
You are North American, no?
Yes, I am North American but I have no dollars.
Goodbye, Juan.
mucho = [moocho] = much, alot
cuánto? = [quanto?] = how much? How many?
pero = [peydo] = but
Quiero = [key-yay-do] = I want
¿Quiere? = [kee-yedae?] = do you want?
queremos = [kay-day-mose] = we want (from lesson 16)
está bein = [esta-vee-N] = thats fine, ok, alright, etc.
[inny] or [N-eh] = in a (said fast and sounds almost the same as "in a" in

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