Español I- Lección 4/30

Leccion 4

Lesson 4

Buenas noches señorita. ¿Cómo está usted? ¿Señorita entiende?
 Soy  norteamericano, pero hablo español un poco. Soy el Sr. Jones de Chicago. ¿Entiende usted?
No entiendo Soy un norteamericano de Los Ángeles. Adiós señor.
Buenas Noches señorita
Good evening miss. How are you? Miss? Do you understand? I am a North American,
but I speak Spanish a little. I am Mr. Jones from Chicago. Do you understand?
No, I don't understand. I am a North American from Los Angeles. Goodbye, sir.
Good night miss

GOOD EVENING --- buenas noches
THE EVENING-------La noche

encantado = [in-con-tah-doe] = glad to meet you (masc)
encantada = [in-con-tah-dah] = glad to meet you (fem)
(OK, for the last time, ah together is always ahhh like the a in car and tardy,
and NOT the a from cat or master. Say them slow to understand better and
remember it)
pero = [pey-doh] = but
done-day stou sted = where are you? (OK, for the last time... DONE RHYMES WITH
aquí = [ah-kee] = here, it's here
allí = [ah-yee] = there, it's there
está aquí = [estah-kee] = its here, its over here
está allí = [estah-yee] = its there, its over there

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This is a short biography of the post author. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus nullam quis ante maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus donec.

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