Español I- Lección 11/30

Lección 11

Lesson 11

¿Quieres beber algo Sr. Smith?
Sí. ¿Tienes cerveza por favor?
Sí, si tengo. 
pero no está fría.
¿Tienes algo frío?
Agua, señor
tengo agua muy fría.
Bueno. Voy a beber agua, gracias, señora.
Do you want to drink something, Mr. Smith?
Yes. Do you have a beer, please?
Yes, I have. Do you want 1?
Is it cold?
No, it's not cold.
If it's not cold, I don't like (it). Do you have something cold?
Water sir, I have very cold water.
Good. Im going to drink water, thank you maam.

[lay-goostah] = do you like? you like
[may-goostah] = I like (from lesson 10)
comprar = [cum-plahr] = buy, to buy (hard to say)
compro = [cum-plo] = I buy, I am buying, etc
compra [cum-p'lah] = you buy
cosas = [coe-suss] = things (plural)
cosa = [coe-sah] = thing (singular) from lesson 19
puedo = [pway-doe] = can, I can
puede = [pway-day] = can, you can, can you, etc
podemos = [poe-day-mose] = we can (from lesson 17)
si = [C] = if
hay = [I] = there, there are, there is, is there? are there? etc..

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